6 Ways I Embrace Impostor Syndrome
It starts deep in the pit of my stomach. It’s hard to describe. It’s like
It starts deep in the pit of my stomach. It’s hard to describe. It’s like
The culture of a company can easily make or break it. Focus on making yours magnetic.
Sales is an integral part of any business, but rarely associated with the CEO’s role.
Walking away from a promising career at Lockheed to attend MIT was definitely not in the original plan. But for Dip Patel, it was only the beginning.
Every entrepreneurial experience, successful or not, brings with it new knowledge.
As CEOs, if we train our minds to see the bigger picture, or consider all sides of the problem before making a decision, we can become better leaders. By using knowledge and insights from many disciplines, we have a chance.
Corey Thomas isn’t in the role he thought he’d be as Chairman and CEO of Rapid7, but 7 years, a ton of successes, a failure or 3 and an impressive and enviable culture, show that sometimes our paths lead us exactly where we belong.
Are you a know-it-all or a learn-it-all? If you chose the latter, you’ll appreciate the top 5 marketing books David Cancel — Founder and CEO of Drift — can’t stop rereading.
In this episode, join me as I explain how (and why) you should make solitude a core-component in your leadership strategy. Learn why effective leadership depends on solitude.
The death of George Floyd and its aftermath is a stark reminder of a virus, deadlier than COVID, that has been here for 400 years.