So why do CEOs like Elizabeth Holmes lie?
The CEO Journey is not a straight line. It’s like a series of concentric circles in a field. As we reach each new outer circle, we change.
The best teams are built on trust, conflict, and commitment in that order.
There is no way to escape impossible problems on the entrepreneurial journey. Often, the solution lies in Lateral Thinking, changing our perception of the problem.
There is no better selling weapon in the whole world than a happy customer talking to a prospect.
In this episode, there are 11 Wartime CEO plays that I’ve picked up along the way that I want to share with you.
Dr. Faye Mandell joins John to discuss… How to help your team become their best selves and A simple framework for being present as a CEO.
Walking away from a promising career at Lockheed to attend MIT was definitely not in the original plan. But for Dip Patel, it was only the beginning.
In this episode, join me as I explain how (and why) you should make solitude a core-component in your leadership strategy. Learn why effective leadership depends on solitude.
The greatest athletes of all time all have had coaches. So, why wouldn’t the greatest CEOs have coaches, too? Five-time CEO turned coach Bob Cramer sheds light on the role a coach can play in a CEO’s journey.
Some of the best athletes in the world have a coach. It seems counterintuitive that a strong CEO would need a coach. But I have to tell you; it’s probably one of the most important things you can do as CEO to grow your skillset, get better at your craft, to grow personally and professionally.
About 8-years ago, I boarded a flight from JFK to make my way to an island about 30 miles south of Cape Cod, Massachusetts. It was a welcome break. I was attending a small, annual, invitation-only gathering of the northeast’s forward-thinking entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, executives, and researchers. The location and name — Nantucket Conference — were fitting. The island
Managers love to reward hyper-specialization. But is it better to hire for general problem-solving abilities?