The problem is this: you’re NOT in a state of panic most of the time. States of panic are special and have to be revered.
Companies are not just a forest of strong individuals.
The journey as CEO is a long one. You won’t be able to rely purely on your god-given raw intelligence for the whole trip.
I am here to help you achieve your goals. I am your servant.
Micromanagement is a killer. All founders have trouble getting out of the weeds.
Communication is at the root of all business strengths—and weaknesses.
The biggest thing I learned in my time as CEO was how much I had to learn.
A leader’s job is to create the environment and the context where people can actually do the most, accomplish the most, and teams can be the most impactful.
As I reflect on 2020, I see a real lesson in resilience. 2020 was full of pain, joy, and learning.
The culture of a company can easily make or break it. Focus on making yours magnetic.
In this episode, join me as I explain how (and why) you should make solitude a core-component in your leadership strategy. Learn why effective leadership depends on solitude.
The death of George Floyd and its aftermath is a stark reminder of a virus, deadlier than COVID, that has been here for 400 years.
Keeping teams motivated is really hard. But, if you are only focused on what amazing thing you can personally do, you are missing the point.
I have noticed a pattern in the 20 years I have been an entrepreneur, advisor, and CEO. Every time there is something wrong with a company, there is a recurring problem. Either someone is not doing their job, or they didn’t know it was their job. It’s more common than you think. A problem with