The body is strong, the mind is weak.
Slipping on a banana and breaking your hip is fragile. Getting hit by a truck then getting up to walk to your hair appointment is resilient. But, getting one of your arms cut off then growing a new one the next day is beyond resilient — it’s antifragile. Sh*t happens in startups. (Amen, right?) I can relate.
Managers love to reward hyper-specialization. But is it better to hire for general problem-solving abilities?
It happens rather quickly. Your new investors sign a shareholder’s agreement, a subscription agreement, and a corporate charter. Usually, you create a new class of (preferred) shares. You receive a notification from your bank that the wires from investors have cleared. Your lawyers file the company’s new corporate charter, and a new board of directors
Human beings are tribal by nature. Our need to belong far outweighs many things in life. So, we naturally split into tribes.
“…It’s both physical and spiritual. The essence is to try and feel what the poor feel without food and try to be a better person by reflecting on our actions and thoughts. Try to be nice to each other, avoid bad/angry thoughts, etc.” — B. Drissi (personal friend) As I write this article, we are 19 days
As a CEO, one of your jobs — it’s maybe the most important — is to give your fellow sapiens what they need most, something to believe in.
Companies are a unique combination of people that make them legendary; or not.
The role of a CEO is fraught with tough decisions. Firing people is not easy, but it is part of the job.
The surprising thing about diversity in tech is the lack of technology solutions to help address these complex problems.