We can’t become what we need to be by remaining what we are.
Dr. Faye Mandell joins John to discuss… How to help your team become their best selves and A simple framework for being present as a CEO.
You’ve started the company. You’ve made the product… Now you find it’s not scalable. It’s time to pivot. Bettina Hein shares how she learned to embrace shifting gears.
Every entrepreneurial experience, successful or not, brings with it new knowledge.
There are a ton of variables that go into the perfect formula between venture capitalists and CEOs. Fortunately, venture capitalist Chip Hazard offers a detailed and actionable playbook for welding the best CEO/VC relationships.
The personal and professional growth experiences of entrepreneurs. Promise Phelon, a serial entrepreneur and author, shares her learnings acquired over the course of her journey as an underdog CEO.
Its like weightlifting for the brain. Last year, I decided to focus on leaders.
In 1971, a young mother of three boarded a small boat to make a journey from her home country, Haiti. She hoped to find her husband, who had fled Haiti’s dictatorship nine years earlier. She reunited with him in a flourishing community of Haitian immigrants in The Bahamas, where he had found safety and work.
The underrepresentation of women in tech is, quite frankly, abysmal. 13% of the global Fortune 500 are women, according to Tammy Moskites, Managing Director at Accenture. “That’s not just CISOs. That’s CISOs, CIOs, and senior executives such as a VP in the technology arena. It’s still a very, very small amount that equates to about
Around the time this article is published, a whopping 7000 people will descend on Las Vegas to discuss the future of insurance. For three solid days, people from all walks of life who have joined the insurtech wave will introduce themselves, network, and fight to get heard in a sea of innovation. It’s all happening