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There is no better selling weapon in the whole world than a happy customer talking to a prospect.
The person with the biggest pipeline always wins.
Twenty years ago, on 11/19/99, I sold my first startup. It was a technology company selling something called “Java Beans.” My four co-founders and I had a life-changing experience when a company called BEA Systems acquired our company for over $100M. We were excited not just for our own lives, but the way it would
In 1971, a young mother of three boarded a small boat to make a journey from her home country, Haiti. She hoped to find her husband, who had fled Haiti’s dictatorship nine years earlier. She reunited with him in a flourishing community of Haitian immigrants in The Bahamas, where he had found safety and work.
A few weeks ago, I got an email from an old friend. She was part of the marketing organization in the early days of my last company — a fantastic woman — she was looking for an update on what I was doing and agreed to write a recommendation for me as a CEO. She reminded me of a
The underrepresentation of women in tech is, quite frankly, abysmal. 13% of the global Fortune 500 are women, according to Tammy Moskites, Managing Director at Accenture. “That’s not just CISOs. That’s CISOs, CIOs, and senior executives such as a VP in the technology arena. It’s still a very, very small amount that equates to about
The next time you are in your office, wondering what you should do. Take a random walk through your company. You’ll be surprised by what you find.
People think their next amazing business idea is going to be in their head, when you’re sitting in your room by yourself with a journal, totally detached from what you’re working on.
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As I reflect on 2020, I see a real lesson in resilience. 2020 was full of pain, joy, and learning.

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“Thank you for what you do and sharing the story of your journey. You’re an inspiration and set a great example for what true entrepreneurship means.”
“Amazing!!! Loving your CEO Playbook.”
“I wanted to drop you a note to tell you that the work you do with CEOPLAYBOOK is right on point. Thank you for you and the rich content you provide.”
“I have been following your CEO playbook, and really enjoy it. I am always striving to improve my performance as CEO, and learn a lot from what you share.”
Around the time this article is published, a whopping 7000 people will descend on Las Vegas to discuss the future of insurance. For three solid days, people from all walks of life who have joined the insurtech wave will introduce themselves, network, and fight to get heard in a sea of innovation. It’s all happening
About 8-years ago, I boarded a flight from JFK to make my way to an island about 30 miles south of Cape Cod, Massachusetts. It was a welcome break. I was attending a small, annual, invitation-only gathering of the northeast’s forward-thinking entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, executives, and researchers. The location and name — Nantucket Conference — were fitting. The island
The truth is when you have the combination of these two (thinking and doing) inside you — whether you believe it or not — you are an entrepreneur. (Photo by christian koch on Unsplash) What do home climate control and missile defense systems have in common? A lot. This is what my friend Dip Patel discovered in circa
Slipping on a banana and breaking your hip is fragile. Getting hit by a truck then getting up to walk to your hair appointment is resilient. But, getting one of your arms cut off then growing a new one the next day is beyond resilient — it’s antifragile. Sh*t happens in startups. (Amen, right?) I can relate.
Once, when meeting with the CEO of a new customer, I pulled out a bottle of ketchup and set it on the table. It was one of these … Once, when meeting with the CEO of a new customer, I pulled out a bottle of ketchup and set it on the table. (Image: istockphoto) It was
Managers love to reward hyper-specialization. But is it better to hire for general problem-solving abilities?