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As I reflect on 2020, I see a real lesson in resilience. 2020 was full of pain, joy, and learning.
As a CEO, one of your jobs — it’s maybe the most important — is to give your fellow sapiens what they need most, something to believe in.
Never fall in love with your product, keep your ego in check, and love your customers.
I have been the CEO of Soluna for the past year (2018) and what a great year it was! If you read one of my earlier articles on Soluna’s blog, “My Next Adventure”, you may recall that I knew very little about Blockchain when I first started this journey. However, like many of you, I
What’s in a name? Well, a lot. Choosing the right name for your new company can go a long way in putting it on the map. I recently became CEO of a new blockchain computing company. One of my first tasks was to rename the company. Here is a brief story about how we
If you are not up on the world of podcasts, then you are right where I was about a year ago. I tried the podcast app on my iPhone a few times but just couldn’t get into it. I could never find a channel with something I wanted to hear. Also, as a CEO, I
My strategic accounts sales team met me in our NY office for a final briefing before our big meeting. After my usual grilling questions, I packed up my laptop and some choice tools for the job. I loaded a pair of red Vic Firth Drumsticks in my briefcase and taped up a box of a
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Every entrepreneurial experience, successful or not, brings with it new knowledge.
As CEOs, if we train our minds to see the bigger picture, or consider all sides of the problem before making a decision, we can become better leaders. By using knowledge and insights from many disciplines, we have a chance.

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Companies are a unique combination of people that make them legendary; or not.
The role of a CEO is fraught with tough decisions. Firing people is not easy, but it is part of the job.
Coney Island Subway Train — istockphoto.com A few years ago, I wrote the following (internal) blog entitled, “See something? Do something!” It was meant to empower my employees to take charge of some of our company’s challenges. I wanted them to help me and my executive team solve them. To my surprise, it set the stage for
https://play.ht/articles/6dc2992e8145 In the late ‘90s, I was among the group of entrepreneurs forging the next generation of dot com companies. I was, fortunately, selling technology tools to most brick and mortar enterprises looking to join the e-commerce club. It was a time of incredible growth for me. I learned a lot about enterprise
It was the beginning of summer. I did not particularly enjoy riding the subway this time of year. It was blisteringly hot. However, it was the quickest way to get around the city. Traffic had become a year-round nightmare in New York City. “Hey John,” he said. “Are you ready for this?” “I better be,
One time, early in the life of my company, I sat down with the CEO of one of my customers and asked her to help me connect with other senior leaders in the insurance industry. During my visit, I brought a list of folks I would like to meet. She reviewed the list for a