The death of George Floyd and its aftermath is a stark reminder of a virus, deadlier than COVID, that has been here for 400 years.
Its like weightlifting for the brain. Last year, I decided to focus on leaders.
Trust me, sometimes, getting a NO from a VC — no matter how peculiarly it is delivered — could be the best thing that ever happens to you.
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People don’t care what you know until they know that you care.
McConaughey's Greenlights and our annual list of favorite books
As I reflect on 2020, I see a real lesson in resilience. 2020 was full of pain, joy, and learning.
In this episode, there are 11 Wartime CEO plays that I’ve picked up along the way that I want to share with you.
Dr. Faye Mandell joins John to discuss… How to help your team become their best selves and A simple framework for being present as a CEO.
It starts deep in the pit of my stomach. It’s hard to describe. It’s like a cross between butterflies and sharp fluttering stomach pain. Sometimes, it manifests itself as a pain on the left side of my neck. It feels like a burning, humming sound. The buzz you might hear at a power substation full
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Making good decisions is a secret weapon at Amazon. It can become your superpower as well.
We can’t become what we need to be by remaining what we are.

“I find your thoughts so well crafted, timely, and helpful (and have forwarded them to other startup folks I know too).”
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“I wanted to drop you a note to tell you that the work you do with CEOPLAYBOOK is right on point. Thank you for you and the rich content you provide.”
“Amazing!!! Loving your CEO Playbook.”
“Thank you for your [Mental Candy] newsletters. I get many blog posts and newsletters in my inbox every week, and you’re one of the very, very, very few that I read.”
“You are the first writer that I feel teaches the complexity easily without telling only stories about being a CEO.”
“Thank you for what you do and sharing the story of your journey. You’re an inspiration and set a great example for what true entrepreneurship means.”
Every entrepreneurial experience, successful or not, brings with it new knowledge.
As CEOs, if we train our minds to see the bigger picture, or consider all sides of the problem before making a decision, we can become better leaders. By using knowledge and insights from many disciplines, we have a chance.
Corey Thomas isn’t in the role he thought he’d be as Chairman and CEO of Rapid7, but 7 years, a ton of successes, a failure or 3 and an impressive and enviable culture, show that sometimes our paths lead us exactly where we belong.
Are you a know-it-all or a learn-it-all? If you chose the latter, you’ll appreciate the top 5 marketing books David Cancel — Founder and CEO of Drift — can’t stop rereading.
The death of George Floyd and its aftermath is a stark reminder of a virus, deadlier than COVID, that has been here for 400 years.
If you are looking to break into a new industry and lack domain expertise, don’t despair.