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Communication is at the root of all business strengths—and weaknesses.
The problem with the Segway was that it completely missed the fact that the core need wasn’t there.
The death of George Floyd and its aftermath is a stark reminder of a virus, deadlier than COVID, that has been here for 400 years.
If you are looking to break into a new industry and lack domain expertise, don’t despair.
Some of the best athletes in the world have a coach. It seems counterintuitive that a strong CEO would need a coach. But I have to tell you; it’s probably one of the most important things you can do as CEO to grow your skillset, get better at your craft, to grow personally and professionally.
Keeping teams motivated is really hard. But, if you are only focused on what amazing thing you can personally do, you are missing the point.
General Magic, a company you’ve never heard of, was a unicorn before there was such a thing.
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The biggest thing I learned in my time as CEO was how much I had to learn.

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“I have been following your CEO playbook, and really enjoy it. I am always striving to improve my performance as CEO, and learn a lot from what you share.”
Its like weightlifting for the brain. Last year, I decided to focus on leaders.
Entrepreneurship is a journey, and it seems like it will be a lifelong one for me. The ride is filled with adventure, obstacles, and destinations that surprise. In the spring of this year, I decided to return to one of my passions: writing about my learnings as a CEO. This year marks the end of
Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, certainly makes the list of most admired leaders right now. Under his leadership, Microsoft has gone beyond Bill Gates’ wildest expectations. The firm that launched the PC software industry surpassed $1 Trillion in market cap this year, making it one of the world’s most valuable companies. He’s led the company
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.
When developing a B2B technology company, you have two choices. You can sell to small and medium-sized businesses (aka SMBs), or you can sell to large enterprises. There is a stark difference between how you sell to one group versus the other. Large enterprises are demanding, are process-heavy, and unusually large organizations. So, solving problems