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Making good decisions is a secret weapon at Amazon. It can become your superpower as well.
We can’t become what we need to be by remaining what we are.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.
When developing a B2B technology company, you have two choices. You can sell to small and medium-sized businesses (aka SMBs), or you can sell to large enterprises. There is a stark difference between how you sell to one group versus the other. Large enterprises are demanding, are process-heavy, and unusually large organizations. So, solving problems
At dinner one evening, a close friend and entrepreneur asked me, “what CEO skills are you using the most now in your new role?” (image:istockphoto) ARR, LTV, GTM, churn, positioning, competition, customer satisfaction, valuation. Over the past 18 years, I have been the founder and CEO of two companies where these metrics (and more) were
Trust me, sometimes, getting a NO from a VC — no matter how peculiarly it is delivered — could be the best thing that ever happens to you.
“Empathy is not just an awareness of what others are experiencing; it’s aware of, being sensitive to, and caring about how one’s own behavior affects others.” — Danny Meyers Danny Meyers is one of my favorite entrepreneurs. He is a successful New York City restauranteur and the CEO of Union Square Hospitality Group. He is behind successful restaurants
I have noticed a pattern in the 20 years I have been an entrepreneur, advisor, and CEO. Every time there is something wrong with a company, there is a recurring problem. Either someone is not doing their job, or they didn’t know it was their job. It’s more common than you think. A problem with
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A leader’s job is to create the environment and the context where people can actually do the most, accomplish the most, and teams can be the most impactful.
We never plan for a crisis. When we are in the midst of one, it feels like an endless mountain to climb.

“I’m on a journey to reinvent myself to get to the next level of my career and looking forward to reading about your insights in business.”
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“I find your thoughts so well crafted, timely, and helpful (and have forwarded them to other startup folks I know too).”
“Amazing!!! Loving your CEO Playbook.”
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“I wanted to drop you a note to tell you that the work you do with CEOPLAYBOOK is right on point. Thank you for you and the rich content you provide.”
A few weeks ago, I got an email from an old friend. She was part of the marketing organization in the early days of my last company — a fantastic woman — she was looking for an update on what I was doing and agreed to write a recommendation for me as a CEO. She reminded me of a
The underrepresentation of women in tech is, quite frankly, abysmal. 13% of the global Fortune 500 are women, according to Tammy Moskites, Managing Director at Accenture. “That’s not just CISOs. That’s CISOs, CIOs, and senior executives such as a VP in the technology arena. It’s still a very, very small amount that equates to about
The next time you are in your office, wondering what you should do. Take a random walk through your company. You’ll be surprised by what you find.
People think their next amazing business idea is going to be in their head, when you’re sitting in your room by yourself with a journal, totally detached from what you’re working on.
The body is strong, the mind is weak.
It starts deep in the pit of my stomach. It’s hard to describe. It’s like a cross between butterflies and sharp fluttering stomach pain. Sometimes, it manifests itself as a pain on the left side of my neck. It feels like a burning, humming sound. The buzz you might hear at a power substation full