Archive: Featured
As a CEO, know where you’re going and, and how you’re going to get there.
Companies are not just a forest of strong individuals.
Communication is at the root of all business strengths—and weaknesses.
There is no better selling weapon in the whole world than a happy customer talking to a prospect.
Podcasts can be a great escape from the day-to-day grind of being a CEO.
Startups are like a long series of runs. The moment you start running, you encounter obstacles large and small that are designed to surprise you.
A leader’s job is to create the environment and the context where people can actually do the most, accomplish the most, and teams can be the most impactful.
As I reflect on 2020, I see a real lesson in resilience. 2020 was full of pain, joy, and learning.
So much has been written about Churchill, some good and some bad.
In this episode, there are 11 Wartime CEO plays that I’ve picked up along the way that I want to share with you.
The death of George Floyd and its aftermath is a stark reminder of a virus, deadlier than COVID, that has been here for 400 years.
Its like weightlifting for the brain. Last year, I decided to focus on leaders.
Trust me, sometimes, getting a NO from a VC — no matter how peculiarly it is delivered — could be the best thing that ever happens to you.
The next time you are in your office, wondering what you should do. Take a random walk through your company. You’ll be surprised by what you find.
Managers love to reward hyper-specialization. But is it better to hire for general problem-solving abilities?
The surprising thing about diversity in tech is the lack of technology solutions to help address these complex problems.